Let’s take a minute to chat about kayak weight limits. You might see the number listed by the manufacturer as a maximum weight limit and think that tells the whole story. But there are a few nitty-gritty details that can help you have a firmer grip on weight limits on your kayak. Because weight does limit your kayak!
Common Questions Regarding Kayak Weight Limits:
1. Will my kayak sink if I exceed the maximum weight?
This isn’t a house of cards situation where the final pound will send your kayak straight to the bottom of the lake. However, manufacturer maximum weight limits tell you how much the kayak can hold before it loses buoyancy. You might be able to get a few more pounds on, or you might find that getting close to the threshold puts your kayak in a precarious position as it trends below the water line. You are in danger of taking on water or even capsizing in rough waters.
2. What should I include in my weight calculations?
Remember when you are considering kayak weight limits that you aren’t just calculating your weight as the paddler. Weight calculations should include you AND your gear, snacks, equipment, paddle, pet, kayak partners, etc. This isn’t the moment to ignore the scale. You want to make sure to estimate more weight rather than less. There isn’t a minimum load for a kayak, but there is a maximum.
3. Which kayaks have the highest weight limits?
So, you might be wondering what are the best kayaks for your needs? If you are just looking to get the family out on the water to paddle a bit then you might be able to get by with the lowest weight limit kayaks including kids’ kayaks (100-150 lb) or recreational kayaks (250-300 lb). Longer touring and sea kayaks will have more volume and can usually handle more weight (300-400lb). Fishing kayaks, which are designed to hold more gear, can come in at higher limits (400-500 lb.) Perhaps surprisingly, inflatable kayaks with their excellent buoyancy can come in at higher weight limits as well (300-500 lb).
4. What happens when I approach the maximum weight limit?
This is really the crux of the issue right here. As you top out the load on your kayak, you will notice definite performance issues.
- As you add weight to your kayak, paddling (or pedaling) will become noticeably more difficult. Even though you are floating, it still takes more energy to move more weight across the water. As you get closer and closer to maximum limits, it gets harder and harder to paddle.
- Tracking & maneuverability. Your ability to direct your kayak (either in a straight line or turning) will suffer as you add weight. Your kayak will become sluggish, unresponsive, and just plain difficult as you approach maximum limits.
- Taking on water. Sinking into the water affects the above performance because you are pushing through more water, but it also means you can take on too much water. This might not be too much of a problem with a sit-on-top kayak with scupper holes, but it can seriously compromise a sit-in.
- Kayaks are not prone to capsizing, but if you are approaching upper weight limits, you are increasing the danger of a capsize event - especially in rough water. Because you are sitting deeper in the water, you are more impacted by those rough waves.
5. What factors influence weight limits on my kayak and can I do anything to change them?
The biggest factors that influence a kayak’s weight limits are as follows, but there aren’t industry standards in this so some manufacturers will take a conservative approach and others may determine a more substantial number. So even a kayak with the same specs could have different weight limits based on the manufacturer.
- Length of hull: a longer hull will be able to maintain a higher weight as it distributes the pounds over more distance
- Width of kayak: the wider a kayak the more stable it tends to be, this can aid in disturbing weight as well, leading to heavier maximums.
- Volume (displacement of water): another huge factor in determining kayak weight limits is volume (length x width x height). The shape of the hull can have a huge impact on this number. You will often find heavy loaded fishing kayaks with a pontoon hull or similar hull shape to help displace water.
So, you might be wondering if there is any way to squeeze more weight onto your kayak. The simple answer is not really. However, if you add outriggers, you can get the illusion of being able to add more weight as you add some buoyancy. But you are compromising maneuverability and adding drag so you have to weigh (no pun intended) the pros and cons.
6. Is there an ideal weight limit for a kayak and how can I calculate it?
Kayakers will sometimes refer to performance (or ideal) weight for a kayak. A basic rule of thumb is that a kayak will perform best if kept below 70% of its maximum weight capacity. This means that after you have added up the weight of your needs - you, paddle, gear, etc - you will need a kayak with about 30% more capacity than that number. Don’t ya love math!
If you know your kayak’s maximum capacity, then you can find the performance capacity (the weight you should not exceed) by using this simple equation:
Maximum weight capacity (manufacturer's #) x 70% = Performance capacity
Example: Your new fishing kayak has a 500lb max weight. How much weight should you put on your kayak to still maintain performance?
500lb x .07 = 350lb
To get the best results on your kayak, you should keep your total weight (paddler, paddle, gear, equipment) under 350lb.
Example: You weigh 200lbs and you have 50lbs of gear. What should be the maximum weight capacity of the kayak you are looking to buy?
250lb x 1.3 = 325lb
A little bit of math can go a long way to a more pleasant kayaking experience. As always with kayaking, less is more. Keeping a minimalist mindset and reducing your gear can aid in better performance and give you the kayaking experience you desire. Happy paddling!