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Eco-Friendly Kayaking: Minimizing Your Impact on Nature

Even as kayakers, we can “tread” lightly on the spaces we paddle. Let’s engage in minimizing our impact on nature.  

Why Eco-Friendly Matters

As more people take to the waters, our environmental impact grows. So, how can we use our natural resources wisely and respectfully?

Even though kayaking is generally regarded as eco-friendly and to the world around us - no fuel emissions (if paddling / pedaling), little noise pollution, and low wake erosion, there are still steps we can take to offset our impact.

We want to preserve these waterways for future generations, so making choices to protect and care for them means that those who follow us will have the same opportunities to enjoy, use, and preserve them. Minimizing water pollution and preserving aquatic life can make a better world for all of us. 

Off-the-Water Actions for Eco-Friendly Kayaking

Biodegradable sunscreen / soaps

A growing concern for those who engage in water activities is the detrimental effects of chemicals - even “good” items like sunscreen and soaps - on aquatic life. Choose sunscreens labeled “reef-safe” or “biodegradable”.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Practice smart usage both on and off the water. Restrict the use of single-use plastics. This means choosing to use a reusable water bottle and packing your lunch in reusable containers. 

Environmentally-friendly gear

You can make your gear greener! Shop locally and invest in renewable / recycled / reused equipment. Additionally, there are ways to recycle fishing lines, purchase kayaks made of recycled materials, and much more. 

Consider green transportation

Getting to the water can be another area where we can make wise decisions. Carpool, select a local eco-tourism group, invest in a more portable kayak to transport it more efficiently, or store your kayak at your local put-in spot. Trailers and large SUVs can add to our carbon footprint. Any way to reduce carbon emissions is a step in the right direction.

Support local conservation efforts

Be part of a local beach clean-up, donate to a conservation project you respect, or even start an initiative. Some areas have kayaking clean-up events where you can join your love of kayaking with your love of the environment.

On-the-Water Actions for Eco-Friendly Kayaking

Choose locations wisely

One of the potential problems with kayaking is overuse in a popular area and disruption to native areas simply due to large numbers of people. Choose times and places that mitigate the impact of large numbers of people. However, it is always wise to use established launch points and not disrespect an area by heedless dropping in your kayak wherever you please. Like so much in life, you need to find a balance.  

Respect wildlife

Simply, the act of humans entering an environment can affect wildlife. Avoid nesting sites, spawning seasons, and the like whenever possible. Catch and release practices are essential for maintaining healthy fish populations, so learn how to do it safely. Never feed animals in the wild, as it can create a harmful dependency on humans. 

Leave no trace

Take the adage to “leave no trace” to heart and tread lightly. Remember that whatever you take in, you should take out. Another way to leave no trace is to “clean as you go.”  Take an extra garbage bag with you and pick up any debris. You will be leaving the place better than you found it. 

Obey regulations / warnings

Always respect posted signage. Whether it is a designated route, private property, or an animal nesting ground, keeping distance from restricted areas is respectful to the environment. It is wise to get a lay of the land before you set out so you know of any regulations before you put the paddle in the water. 

Take a picture, not a souvenir

Another tip to respect the environment and tread lightly is to use a camera or binoculars to commemorate your trip rather than trying to take back a souvenir. In some areas, you cannot remove native flora and fauna. An excellent alternative to taking something from the environment is to take pictures. Let our interaction with wildlife be at a respectful distance.

Making eco-friendly kayaking decisions can have lasting consequences. Let’s work together to leave a better world for our children and their children. Happy Paddling!

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