scupper plug - Brooklyn Kayak Company

What are Kayak Scupper Plugs & Do You Need Them?

You’ve just purchased your first sit-on-top kayak, and you can’t wait to get it out on the water. But wait! What are these holes in my ‘yak? What’s going on? Will my kayak sink on the first outing? Do I need to plug these holes? Don’t panic. You’ve just discovered scupper holes. 

Unlike sit-in cockpit-style kayaks, sit-on-tops are built differently. The sit-in kayaks have a smaller cockpit and less chance for water to swamp the boat. If water does get in the kayak, the paddler must bail using a sponge, bucket, or pump. A sit-on-top kayak, however, has scupper holes that allow water to drain from the deck. These holes will not sink your craft. There are times to consider plugging them and times to just leave them alone. Read more to learn more about scupper holes and plugs.

What Do Scupper Plugs Do?

Scupper plugs are removable devices that seal the scupper holes in a sit-on-top kayak. 

Prevent water from entering the deck of the kayak

If you don’t want water to enter your kayak, you can consider plugging the scupper holes on your ‘yak. This will not allow any water to seep up through the holes.   

Adjust the buoyancy of the kayak

A scupper plug will increase buoyancy and allow your kayak to ride a bit higher in the water. A more buoyant craft can ride more easily on the water. 

Manage drainage

One primary reason scupper holes exist is so that water that collects on the deck or open cockpit of a sit-on-top kayak (whether from choppy water, wakes, or rain) can drain out of the kayak. 

When Should I Use a Scupper Plug?

When the water is calm

Scupper plugs are most useful in calm water. If you aren’t at risk of waves splashing over the sides of the kayak, wind blowing water in your craft, or storms dumping rain on your outing, then you might find the plugs useful to keep your kayak deck dry.

When the weather is cold

Scupper plugs can help keep cold water from seeping up into your kayak. This can keep you warmer and more comfortable in frigid conditions, especially if you are spending the day casting and reeling in your catch. 

When speed is a priority

Because scupper plugs can increase your buoyancy and reduce drag, you may find that you can paddle faster when you insert scupper plugs and get to your favorite fishing spot sooner. 

When gear needs protection

You might find that setting your stuff over a scupper hole results in damp gear. While you should always be prepared for stuff to get wet, you can reduce the chances of a soaking when you use scupper plugs. 

When Should I Avoid Using a Scupper Plug?

When water is rough

If the conditions are choppy or busy, you run the risk of waves and wakes sending water into your kayak. Then you want those scupper holes to do their job and drain that excess water from your deck. Pull the plugs in heavy seas!

When carrying heavy loads

If excess weight is weighing down your kayak, you are at risk of having water spill over the sides. If you have a hefty load, then you probably don’t want to insert scupper plugs.

When conditions are windy

Unplugging your kayak results in a craft that sits lower in the water. This is wise when you are facing windy conditions. Sitting lower allows you to battle the wind more efficiently without getting caught in the gusts.

What are the Different Types of Scupper Plugs?

Standard plugs

Plugs that you can purchase to fit the size of your scupper holes are often made of rubber, foam, or plastic. A tight seal is essential, but it is also wise to have plugs that can be removed quickly in case of an emergency. (If your yak is being swamped, you have to be able to pop those babies out.)

Self-draining plugs

Self-draining plugs are an ingenious option that gives you the best of both worlds regarding drainage. If your biggest concern is staying dry (and not as much where you sit on the water), these plugs are for you. They come with a one-way valve that allows water to drain out of the kayak but not flow back in. 

DIY options

If you aren’t sure yet about scupper plugs, there are some options you can take before you purchase any. Some kayakers swear by a golf ball or a foam ball that they just insert in the hole to see how their kayak operates. These are low-cost alternatives, but beware that you might still need to remove them quickly so practice that before you get stuck in a bad situation. 

Pro-Tips on Scupper Plugs

Partial Plugging

You don’t have to go all or nothing with scupper plugs. You can experiment with partially plugging your scupper holes to find the perfect balance between drainage and dryness. You might find that there are scupper holes right under your seat that you want to seal to keep your bum dry. Or you might plug the rear holes to keep gear dry and add buoyancy to the loaded stern. 

Seasonal Adjustments

You might also decide whether to plug or not based on the weather. You might like a little bit of refreshing water coming in during the summer but not during the cooler months. Full-plugging in winter will keep you dryer and warmer.

Never permanently seal holes

Resist the urge to take any drastic action to seal scupper holes completely. There is a functional reason for them and you don’t want to take steps that you can’t take back. Permanently sealing scupper holes could trap water and destabilize your kayak.

The use of scupper plugs is highly situational. While they are an excellent choice for many situations, they aren’t a one-size-fits-all option. The more you experience with your kayak, the more you will learn when you want plugs, where you want plugs, and when you want plugs. Happy Paddling!


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