kayaking in the winter - Brooklyn Kayak Company

Winter Kayaking Tips

While it may not appeal to all, kayaking can be a winter and spring/summer sport. If you have unfrozen water near you during winter, you can technically still take your boat out. However, kayaking in cold weather does encompass some unique challenges.

This is appealing to those who enjoy exercise and fishing, as well as those who enjoy the challenge of the different terrain. The benefits of cold-weathering kayaking are numerous: quiet beauty, physical challenge, mental resilience, & personal growth.

How To Do Winter Kayaking Safely

Even if your region has mild winters, chances are that the water temperatures can still dip into the low 40’s or upper 30’s. Between that and increased winds, you run higher risks of hypothermia, frostbite, and other cold-weather ailments if you aren’t properly protected against the elements.

If your area experiences harsher winters, it’s recommended that you have expert paddling techniques, quality gear, and, ideally, a partner or group before embarking. No matter your skill level, spend extra time planning, even if it’s a spot you’ve been to before. Check weather reports, plan your route, and double-check that everything’s charged and properly working before heading out. Conditions can change and the last thing you want is to be caught unprepared and run the risk of getting stranded.

In order to kayak safely in the winter, you should plan for the following:

  • Cold water immersion. The most significant risk involved in cold-weather kayaking is likely cold water immersion. Sudden immersion into cold water can have devastating consequences. Cold water shock immediately affects your body and brain and can lead to hypothermia. If left untreated, hypothermia can lead to death. Don’t paddle if you don’t know the risks. 
  • Poor visibility. Winter days are short, so you must immediately contend with fewer safe daylight hours to navigate. In addition, winter weather often turns quickly. Rain, snow, fog, sleet, and wind can quickly create navigation difficulties. It can be depressingly easy to get lost or disoriented in the winter.
  • Physical demands. The physical demands associated with kayaking are often exacerbated in cold weather. Grip strength can be compromised by cold weather, exhaustion can set in quickly from extra calorie burn in frigid temps, and your endurance might also be limited.  Cold-weather paddling requires physical fitness and excellent cardio health.
  • Cold-Related Injury. In addition to the hypothermia threat from cold water, other physical injuries are associated with prolonged time in cold temperatures. Exposure to the elements can lead to frostbit or chilblains which can lead to permanent damage to tissues to capillary beds. Also, cold temperatures can affect processing skills and fine motor function which can lead to poor decision-making and injury.  

Proper Winter Kayaking Gear

Drysuit or Wetsuit

There are usually two choices when it comes to outfitting yourself for cold-weather water sports: wetsuit or drysuit. 

Wetsuits are usually best for moderate to cool temperatures. The thin neoprene layer covers the whole body and provides warmth by an insulating layer heated by your body. It is usually worn with just a swimsuit underneath. For really cold weather, a wetsuit generally isn’t enough to keep your body temperature constant.

A drysuit is a full-body suit focused on keeping water out. Since you usually aren’t planning to take a full dip while out kayaking, a dry suit that focuses on keeping water out and allows room for layering underneath for warmth is the way to go. While they can be pricier, these are lifesavers when it comes to keeping your energy up and staying comfortable out on the water.

Warm Layers

Because a dry suit isn’t as insulated as a wetsuit, it’s up to your under, mid, and outer layers to provide that warmth. Long underwear, vests, fleeces, and other lightweight, waterwicking, and thermal pieces around your core give you the best chance at keeping your body temp up on and off the water. Find a combination that allows you mobility and heat retention. Don’t skimp on headwear either; hats, in addition to hoods, are very helpful in trapping warmth that would otherwise escape.

Neoprene Everything (gloves, boots, hood, & spray skirt)

Neoprene is a synthetic rubber material that maintains flexibility in a wide range of temperatures. It has the benefit of being waterproof and insulating as well. Because of these characteristics, it is an excellent material for areas you want to keep extra dry or mobile.

Protecting your hands is key to maintaining endurance and mobility, and it doesn’t hurt to keep it around your head to protect from damp, icy winds, either. A neoprene spray skirt ensures that you won’t get drafty while paddling and that the deck won’t ice over as quickly. As for footwear, (in case you have to make a wet entrance or exit), it helps to protect your feet.

Communication Devices & Emergency Beacon

Make sure you paddle smartly with a working GPS / cellphone or radio. It ensures that you can access emergency services in case of a problem. Also, make sure you paddle with an emergency beacon (which can be affixed to your PFD). This makes you easier for rescue workers to locate you in case of an emergency.

Tow Ropes, Lifevest, & Rescue Stirrups

In the event of an accident or wet exit, you should be prepared to combat the shock of going into freezing waters. Invest in tow ropes and rescue stirrups and make sure to always wear your PFD. Be sure that you’ve mounted rescue straps appropriately. Icy winds and temperatures may cause closures, devices, and anything on the boat deck to freeze over. However, having these rescue devices in place makes it easier to come back from extensive water exposure, and you’ll be thankful you made it easier on yourself since such an experience can quickly drain your energy.

Proper Winter Safety Tips

Planning a Safe Route

Unlike summer kayaking when it might be more feasible to fly by the seat of your pans. Spontaneity is NOT recommended in winter. You must take time to plan your route properly.

Important Considerations for a proper plan include:

  • Weather forecast. Spend time before your paddle to check the local forecast and water conditions. If there are storms approaching, be wise and postpone. It is already challenging to kayak in winter temps, don’t tempt fate by adding in adverse conditions. 
  • Location. Winter can be an excellent time to revisit favorite, familiar routes and see them from a new winter-time perspective. However, sometimes, those summer time go-tos are not accessible in the winter. Regardless of where you paddle, make sure that the route is winter-appropriate. You must have good navigation tools, especially on an unfamiliar path. Ensure that there are clear and accessible entry and exit points. 
  • Emergency access. Speaking of access points. . . Make sure that any route you choose is also accessible to emergency services. It is nice to get away from it all, but it is also imperative that you can be rescued in case of an emergency.
  • Float plan. Another important safe note about planning involves leaving a float plan. A float plan is a written plan left with someone on land that details your expected route. This allows someone to contact emergency departments and give proposed route information in case you don’t return within the expected window.

Safety in Numbers

Don’t underestimate traveling with a friend or two for safety as well. With proper communication and first aid tools available, you’re best set up for a successful adventure if you travel in more significant numbers.

Energizing Treats & Hydration

Depending on how long you plan to be out, packing something that’s quickly warmed if you plan to stop along the way or quickly boosts your energy on the water. Quick, warming food is a welcomed addition to any travel kit. In addition to being a pick-me-up, these treats also help stave off hypothermia and give your body the fuel to continue paddling!

Know & Respect Your Limits

Winter kayaking can test your limits, so make sure that you keep a wise head on your shoulders. Be aware of weather threats, your body’s response, and changing circumstances, and always take a conservation approach. It is better to postpone or cut a journey short than to end up in a dangerous situation. 


For those experienced kayak enthusiasts or anglers who are going to winter kayak, regardless of the temperature or elements, the most important take-away here is BE PREPARED and BE SAFE.

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